My name is Kimberly Greeff.
Creator of Evolve Yoga, LLC, and Licensed Massage Therapist.
As an advanced bodywork therapist, I bring a living, breathing experience to the table with deep reverence, listening, and presence that includes crafting self-care practices to integrate our work long after the session ends.
My vision for movement practices draws upon a multitude of disciplines inspired by yoga, functional strength and mobility, developmental movement, somatics, self-massage, meditation, movement for trauma, and conscious relaxation.
I am a passionate and lifelong learner whose studies have taken me into the realms of the human body, nervous system, and mind - all make their way into empowering, informative and inspirational teachings of my sessions, group classes, and trainings.
Whether our work takes us to the table or the mat, together, we’ll explore a sustainable, integrative, and embodied approach to your health and wellness goals.